February 1, 2022

Interview with NFT Brands: Q&A with Galaxy Fight Club

by Admin
NFT Brand Interview

What are NFTs Staff

 February 1, 2022
Twitter Followers: 54.7K
Could you give us a quick rundown of the project?


Your Name + Role – Yas (Mx), CMO

Project Name – Galaxy Fight Club

Project Summary – The first cross-IP PVP game for the NFT Universe

Where can you buy – https://opensea.io/collection/galaxy-fight-club

Mint Price – 0.08E

Mint Date – August, 2021

Mint Size – 10k

Current Floor + Date (if applicable) – 0.9E (Jan, 2022)

What originally brought you into the NFT space?

I got introduced to the NFT space by GaryVee and his launch of VeeFriends. I immediately got hooked and started diving deeper into the space, exploring and learning about the different technologies and individual projects ever since.


What month and year did you get involved in NFTs?

February, 2021.

How did you come up with the idea for your NFT project?

We saw a clear lack of utility within the NFT space at the time (mainly dominated by PFP projects) and wanted to bring innovation and exciting ideas. As our team has extensive experience in the gaming industry, the idea of building Galaxy Fight Club, the first cross-IP PVP game, where users can log in and play as their favorite NFT, came naturally to us. 


What makes your NFT project unique?

What makes our project unique is that our game is actually fun to play. Galaxy Fight Club is a real-time, action based game, similar to something like Brawl Stars. Additionally, the cross-IP aspect is totally unique to us, meaning you can use your favorite NFT to battle against other NFTs from different collections all within our game. 

On top of that, we also have a pretty unique earning system, allowing both holders of NFTs as well as non-NFT holders (free to play users) to play and earn as well as a very unique tokenomics for our currency, $GCOIN.

How big is the team and what are their roles?
  • Ado, Project Lead
  • Dave, Lead Dev
  • Dan, Lead Game Design
  • Yas (Mx), CMO
  • Don, Lead Artist
  • Plus 12 full time employees in game developers, designers, project assistants, etc…
What is the most challenging part of the NFT project creation journey? How about specific to Gaming?

I think one of the most challenging parts of creating a NFT project is finding the right balance between community building and project / business development. 

What would you tell a newbie before beginning to invest in the NFT market? What should they look for?

I think finding a handful of projects which make logical sense to invest in and being patient is key. The NFT space is full of FOMO which is what screws most people over because they feel like they always need to jump on the next trending thing.

What do you foresee as the top challenges for NFTs or P2E moving forward?

A lot of P2E games ecosystems are flawed, Alex Becker summarized this well in a recent tweet – https://twitter.com/ZssBecker/status/1487058051077181445



What NFT project should we reach out to next?

DeadHeads, Cyberkongz.


Where can people follow along on your NFT journey?
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